
The Benefits of Health Fairs
Posted: July 6, 2015

Think back. When was the last time you encountered a health fair? Probably pretty recently. Maybe you attended one at work or through a health department, or maybe even at school. While health fairs are relatively common to us here in the United States, they are not nearly as common in other countries which is why it is so exciting that the Consejo de Salud Rural Andino (CSRA), our partner in Bolivia, has been able to have not one, but two health fairs in the city of Montero.

These health fairs have been used to promote nutrition and encourage community members to take part in physical activities. In addition to nutrition education, CSRA also conducted clinical evaluations and found that 25 individuals had diabetes. These screenings are important because they help our partners identify high-risk individuals and target them for follow-up care to ensure they maintain good health. They also focused on families who had certain health risk factors in order to follow up with them through home visits and encourage them to follow healthier practices and behaviors.

In a region where 30% of families live on one dollar per day and 60% do not have formal employment, these tailored nutritional interventions can be life-changing. At Curamericas Global, we’re proud of our partners in Bolivia and the work they’re doing to improve the lives of women and children in need!

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