
Exciting news: Curamericas is expanding its Casa Maternas programs into new regions of Guatemala!
Posted: August 25, 2016

Curamericas Global is partnering with the San Marcos Health Department to increase healthcare access in high-need communities.

Women and children of Guatemala often have no choice but to endure preventable illnesses and diseases. However, this is changing as our successful methodology is becoming increasingly recognized and adopted by regional Guatemalan governments. Curamericas recently met with community members in the province of San Marcos along with state health department officials to plan the replication of our successful Casa Maternas model, which has already provided life-saving healthcare to thousands of women and children living in the mountainous Huehuetenango department. Casa Maternas are maternal health facilities that provide vital health services, encourage local accountability through staffing localDSC_0605 people and provide a safe environment where cultural norms and traditions are respected.

Although many Guatemalans speak Spanish and live in more accessible areas, much of the population living in the San Marcos department is still greatly entrenched in the Maya language and culture. These people often live in isolated, hard to reach areas where women are left with no health care options and often have to give birth on the dirt floor of their home. Welcoming and culturally sensitive healthcare solutions have closed major gaps in maternal and child health, and we are excited to see the life-saving changes brought to communities in need within the San Marcos region.

About the Project:

Curamericas and the San Marcos government have discussed how they want the communities impacted by Casa Maternas. Some goals of the San Marcos Project are to:

  • Increase health facility deliveries (currently at only 6%)
  • Decrease maternal mortality
  • Achieve an overall improvement in maternal and child health indicators
  • Improve the psycho-social status of the population
  • Increase community trust and involvement in the formal health system
  • Increase access to health services
  • Improve humanization and cultural adaption of the health services to Maya (indigenous) culture

We appreciate Guatemala’s interest in replicating our programs that will allow us to expand our work to new regions of Guatemala. You can support these Curamericas Global programs that help to bring hope and healthcare to forgotten communities by donating here. Stay tuned for future blog articles detailing exciting progress within the San Marcos region!

Article written by Annalisa Kristoffersen, Curamericas Global’s Outreach and Development Intern

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